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Travel Policy

1. All athletes on a team are expected to stay at the same hotel as booked by the team. Parents/Athletes should not be booking hotels on their own unless otherwise arranged by the coach/team.

2. All Athletes must adhere to curfews established by their coach or chaperone when travelling with the club. Athletes are to be in their assigned rooms at the designated curfew hour. When your coach designates a time for “Lights Out”, that means lights, television, phones, and computers need to be turned off at the designated time.

3. At no time will an athlete be allowed to leave hotel property without the expressed permission of their coach or chaperone. However, parents may request, if there is appropriate “down time,” to take you off premises.

4. Any parent volunteer providing transportation for a tournament is under the direction of the Coach, as far as when and where Athletes are required to be. Please do not volunteer to transport players if you are unable to comply with the coach’s/team’s requirements.

5. Transportation to and from all practices, club‐sponsored clinics, airports, and in‐state tournaments is the responsibility of the parents. Team members may agree to travel together if convenient. In all cases, arrival times at sites will be designated by your Coach. No Athlete may drive to or from a tournament without permission from the Director.

6. When travelling to tournaments, there may be occasions when the Coach schedules a Team meal. At these times, players will sit together at one table or designated seating areas. Parents are invited to Team meals, but should plan to sit with other parents.

7. While staying at hotels, Athletes must travel in pairs (at a minimum) when outside their rooms or when walking outside of the hotel premises.

8. While travelling with the team, there shall be no display of disrespect toward any club (Shockwave Volleyball or other club) Coach, Athlete, Parent, Chaperone, or Hotel Guest/Employee.

9. Boys are not permitted in athlete’s rooms at any time. The only exception to this policy is the Athlete’s relatives as approved by the Athlete’s parent(s). Violation of the policy will result in immediate expulsion from Shockwave Volleyball.

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